1.We now turn our attention to a quite different kind of flow, the seepage flow of a fluid through a porous medium.
2.Dual anisotropism is a basic characteristic of porous medium. It has an effect on the flow of reservoir fluid and oil and gas production.
3.Its validity was concerned by the comparison with the results obtained by Finite Elemental Method(FEM) for a squared porous medium.
4.Compressible miscible displacement in porous medium is modeled by a nonlinear system of two coupled partial differential equations.
5.For the emulated glass porous medium, the viscoelastic behavior of polymer solution can enhance the displacement efficiency.
6.In saturated flow through a porous medium a force is exerted by the fluid on the solid matrix.
7.Biphasic porous medium model based on mixture theory can be used to accurately depict the mechanical behavior of articular cartilage.
8.The movement law of the rigid and soft precrosslinked particulate in porous medium was studied.
9.The complexity of structure in porous medium results in too complex inner flow to get analytic solution without simplifying.
10.To show the idea of the new method the dependence of the effective diffusion coefficient in the porous medium on the porosity is deduced.